All children are requested to wear the required school uniform which is as follows:
Navy sweatshirt (not hoodie), jumper or cardigan
Navy trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White shirt or blouse
Navy or grey tights
In addition navy check dresses or navy shorts may be worn during the summer.
For PE children are requested to wear navy shorts and a white T-shirt or polo shirt. For PE outdoors, children can wear navy jogging bottoms with a navy jumper or hoodie.
We try to be careful with paint, glue and other materials we use in school. Accidents do happen, however, and we cannot promise that your child will return home in the pristine condition in which he/she left. Washable clothing is therefore highly recommended.
It is essential to mark all clothing with your child’s name.
Children are asked not to wear jewellery to school other than plain stud earrings which will need to be removed on PE days.
Plain shirts, sweatshirts and fleeces are available from most High Street retailers.
Uniform with our school logo is available from Uniform Direct: Dixon House, Dixon Way, Lincoln, LN6 7XN (01522 510016)