The purpose of the Trustee Board is to work together to have a positive impact on the attainment of the pupils in the school.
The Trustee board is made up of volunteers. These volunteers are drawn from parents of pupils at the school, teaching and support staff, members of the community and those nominated by the Local Authority.
Trustees find being part of the Trustee board a worthwhile and rewarding experience. They enjoy being involved in the life of the school, being able to make a difference and seeing the children benefit.
The full Trustee board meets six times a year. Some responsibilities are delegated to committees.
The key roles of the Trustee Board are:
- Strategic Leadership – the decision making based around the values, aims and aspirations of the school
- Support and Challenge – the monitoring and evaluation of the school’s effectiveness, asking challenging questions and pressing for improvement
- Accountability – the Headteacher is accountable to the Trusttee board for the attainment and progress of every pupil in the school, the curriculum they receive and the leadership and management decisions that help this to happen.
The key responsibilities of the Trustee Board are:
- Pupil achievement – the Trustee board establishes an ethos of expectations and aspirations for all. It will identify how well the school and individual pupils are achieving and challenge any underperformance of cohorts and groups each year and over time. It identifies whether pupils are making expected progress, and where pupils fall behind, what action the school is taking to support those pupils, and whether that remedial action is successful
- Financial Management – the Trustee board has overall responsibility of the delegated budget and reviews the finances regularly to ensure that the school is on track and obtaining value for money.
- Staffing – whilst recruitment and appointment of new staff is the responsibility of the Headteacher, the total number of staff employed remains the Trustee boards responsibility. They appoint the Headteacher and carry out the performance management of the Headteacher each year. Retention of good staff and leadership planning is an important consideration for the Trustee Board.