Manor Leas Infant School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report 2023/2024 | ||||||||
This SEND information report is based on the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice and the following legislation:
Mrs Watkinson is our SENCo and can be contacted via the school office or at emma.watkinson@
Lincolnshire County Council publish their own Local Offer informing parents and professionals what they offer. This can be found at
Identifying Special Educational Needs
"A child or young person has Special Educational Needs (SEN) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her" (Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years).
At Manor Leas Infant School we identify pupils as having SEN in a variety of ways including:
What should I do if I think my child has SEN?
What will school do to support my child?
Your child’s class teacher will be the main contact throughout this process. They will be responsible for setting targets and ensure that all support is in place. The progress will be monitored by them alongside teaching assistants and possibly outside agencies. A record of their support will be managed by the SENCo. The support process will involve assessing the child's needs, planning support, providing that support and then reviewing the impact of that support.
How will the curriculum be differentiated to meet the needs of my child?
At Manor Leas Infant School all learning is matched to the appropriate level to support and challenge the individual needs of the children. This may mean within one class there can be many different levels of differentiation.
Support within the classroom can include;
At some point children may need further support to access areas of learning they find more challenging. Here the children will receive particular types of focused intervention. This level of support is tailored to the specific individual in a particular curriculum area. Following this intervention programme over a series of weeks allows children to access learning at their appropriate stage and make progress.
The role of our SENCo
The SENCo has the responsibility for overseeing and recording the provision in place for children with Special Educational Needs. They will monitor this intervention through careful updating and analysing of the school’s Provision Map. This will take place every term.
The Provision Map includes:
How will school monitor my child's progress?
Your child's progress will be monitored in a variety of ways:
What opportunities will there be to discuss my child’s achievements?
We believe as parents you know your child best. We strive to ensure parents are as fully involved and informed as they can be. We promote positive relationships and welcome opportunities for feedback. At school we operate an open door policy where you are very welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher or SENCo to discuss your child and their progress. Other ways to find out more can include:
Who will support my child in school?
At Manor Leas Infant School we have a very experienced and caring staff who will work hard to provide the appropriate support to meet your child’s needs. Outside agency staff may be consulted to support the work staff are doing in school. The following staff may be involved in supporting your child within school;
Who? | How? | When? |
SENCo Mrs E Watkinson
emma.watkinson@ | Day to day responsibility for operation of SEN policy. Supports observations. Arranges meetings with agencies Leads ISP target review meetings. Updates Provision Mapping and tracking grids. Liaises with school staff.
| Ongoing Whole School |
Head Teacher Miss C Turner | Leads Pupil Progress Meetings Analyses tracking data. Liaises with parents and staff. Regular meetings with SENCo. Overall responsibility for provision and progress of learners with SEN and/or a disability.
| Ongoing Whole School |
Teaching Assistants Mrs K Capeling Mrs D Hutchinson Mrs S Booth Miss S Ranyard Mrs J Hayer Mrs Z Vinters Mrs H Pridmore |
Work within the classroom with individuals on a 1:1 or small group basis under the direction of the class teacher. Support during playtimes. Lead small groups in classroom learning. Lead intervention groups. Support individual and group reading.
| Ongoing (EYFS, Y1&Y2) |
1:1 TA Mrs L Butt Mrs A Ballaam Mrs H Hinson Miss Wood | Work daily with individuals on a individual or small group basis. | Ongoing Whole School |
ELSA Mrs D Hutchinson Miss S Ranyard
| Supports social and emotional groups.
| Ongoing Whole School |
Midday Controller Mrs J Berry
| Leads midday support staff. Supports behaviour at playtimes. Encourages social activities. Playground observations.
| Ongoing Whole School |
Senior Administrator/Bursar Mrs H Brunsden |
Oversees and organises the budget, which includes the SEN budget.
| Ongoing Whole School |
Administrative Assistant Mrs M Dickinson |
Monitors attendance. Supports organisation of target review meetings.
| Ongoing Whole School |
SEN Governor Miss K Hall
| Regular meetings with SENCo and Head Teacher. Oversees SEN provision within school. | Ongoing Whole School |
By having a designated SENCo and team of hardworking qualified staff we ensure that all children who have SEN have their individual needs met to the best of the school’s ability with the funds available. Using the school SEN budget we allocate Teaching Assistants to support children in class, during intervention and on a 1:1 basis where an EHC plan is in place. The budget is allocated on a needs basis.
What experience and training do those who support my child have?
All staff at Manor Leas Infant School are available and qualified to support all of the children. All staff have received safeguarding training. The majority of staff have received training in the following areas;
In addition to the above individual members of staff have received further training to meet the needs of their role in supporting the children in school. This has included;
Who else may be involved in supporting my child?
If as a school and staff we feel additional support is required to help meet the needs of your child we work closely with the following outside agencies. This involvement would only take place with your consent.
These include:
What is the pastoral and social support available in the school?
At Manor Leas Infant School we value all our children equally. We are an inclusive school and celebrate diversity. All staff promote high levels of self-esteem amongst our children. We believe that this then fosters positive attitudes to learning. All staff are involved in supporting and caring for your child.
To support the emotional well-being of all children a range of support networks are in place. These include:
What is the medical support available in the school?
The school recognises the need to support pupils with medical conditions. We ensure full access to the curriculum, including school trips and PE lessons. Some children with medical conditions may be disabled. Where this is the case, the school will comply with the Equality Act 2010. Some of these children may have special educational needs and may have an EHC Plan which brings together education, health and social care. Here the specific plan outlined will be followed with due regard to the SEN and Disability Code of Practice.
Children who require medicine during their time in school will follow the Administration of Medicines in School Policy. Parents are responsible for supplying the child's individual prescribed medication on a daily basis. All staff are aware of this and the designated First Aider ensures all general medical supplies are kept up to date.
The majority of staff have the paediatric certificate of first aid. Should there be a specific medical need the school will seek advice from the appropriate professional and ask for training as required.
What is the behavioural support available in the school?
As a school we have a positive approach to managing the behaviour of our children. All classes use the Dojo Point Reward System. This is a clear reward system which is used by all staff and children. Behaviour both in and out of the classroom is rewarded and all staff are able to contribute to the positive system. After any behaviour related incident the child will be spoken to by a member of staff and have time to reflect on their actions. They will have the opportunity to discuss the reasons for their behaviour and suggest ways they could deal with these issues in the future. Our ELSAs may work alongside the children to support their behaviour in or out of the classroom as required.
If a specific child has a behavioural difficulty then the class teacher will seek the advice of the SENCo. If the behaviour requires further attention then a meeting will be set up with the parents and a discussion of next steps will be decided together. An Individual Support Plan will be drawn up with targets stating ways to support the specific behavioural issue. From this, relevant support strategies will then be put in place and reviewed. It may be necessary to seek support from an Educational Psychologist or other outside agencies who may meet with parents and observe children as necessary.
We believe that every child should have support for whatever their specific need and as a school we want to avoid exclusion at all times. By promoting high levels of attendance throughout the school we believe that all children can benefit from a routine within a safe environment. The attendance of every child is monitored by the office. If your child falls below our expectation of 95% then the class teacher will inform you and ask if there are any ways we can support you to achieve a higher rate of attendance. The office continues to monitor lateness and any absences. If the level of concern continues to rise the Educational Welfare Officer may be contacted as stated in our Attendance Policy.
How will my child be involved and able to contribute their views?
We feel it is important that both children and their parents are involved with all matters that may concern them during their time at school. A strong partnership between staff and families is encouraged at all times. Whilst at school the children have many opportunities to express their views. These can include;
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
All children at Manor Leas Infant School are given the opportunity to access the whole of the school curriculum. As part of our enriched curriculum we aim for all children to be included on school trips. Our range of trips include visits to woodland, farms and castles. If required we will provide the necessary support to ensure that all children are able to participate in these visits. When necessary we may ask you to accompany your child to support their individual needs during the educational visit.
A thorough risk assessment is carried out prior to any off site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised. As part of this document individual needs will be addressed and noted. These may include behavioural or medical needs. A paediatric first aid trained member of staff will be included as part of the team leading the trip.
All children are invited to attend the range of after school clubs we offer. Children from EYFS through to Year Two will have the opportunity to take part in a range of clubs including those led by external coaches. No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in activities because of their SEN or disability.
How accessible is the school environment?
In order to support your child should they be in a wheelchair we offer a school site that is all on one level. The main entrance has a ramp and an automatic door to allow wheelchair access. There is a wheelchair accessible disabled toilet which is large enough to accommodate a shower and changing.
ICT equipment including iPads are available throughout the school. All classrooms are equipped with Interactive Television Screens.
To support children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) we have a range of books written in a number of home languages and a variety of signs around school welcoming children in world languages.
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining the school?
As parent school partnerships are important we encourage all new children to visit our school with their parents prior to starting the following September. At this point they will be given a tour of the school and classrooms and an opportunity to meet many of the school staff.
In the Summer Term (June/July) the children will be invited to attend a series of taster sessions. Here they will spend time in their new classroom with their new teacher and class mates. They will be given a photograph book all about Manor Leas Infant School to take home and talk about in order to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings and staff. There will be a Welcome Meeting where all new parents are invited to meet their child’s new teacher, familiarise themselves with the school and find out more about the day to day routines.
For children with SEN we would encourage further visits to assist with the transition to their new surroundings. The EYFS staff will also visit the children in their Pre-School settings and discuss any important matters that may arise. Where possible, the SENCo or EYFS Lead will attend review meetings at the Pre-School alongside their staff and parents. Parents are welcome to arrange meetings with school staff and the SENCo to discuss any transition concerns they may have.
How will the school prepare and support my child when transferring to a new class or school?
Many of our children will be used to moving classes throughout their years at Manor Leas Infant School. At this point the class teachers meet with each other and discuss each child individually. Any medical, behavioural or social issues that require further support are noted and ISP targets are shared. The children will then spend a day in their new KS1 class with their new teacher and teaching assistant. Parents are invited to meet with their child’s new class teacher on the afternoon of their child’s visit. This allows parents to discuss any issues which they feel the new teacher needs to know and familiarise themselves with their child’s new class.
Most children only prepare to leave us for a new school at the end of Year Two. Here the majority of the children go to Manor Leas Junior Academy, which is located on the same site. Some children however do choose to transfer to other local primary schools. Whichever school the children decide to move on to we arrange a series of visits and activities to work alongside their new school. If required we organise a series of extra visits for those children whom we feel are a little more vulnerable. This will often include those children with SEN.
A meeting will be held between the Year Two and the Year Three teachers where every child is discussed in detail. The SENCo will meet with the new school SENCo and discuss those children who will need extra support via their ISP. The SENCo will hold transition meetings in the final term where the SENCo from the new school will be invited to attend alongside their new class teacher and parents. Here any targets are reviewed and the opportunity is given to discuss any concerns there may be.
We like to liaise closely with staff and parents at this transition time as it can appear very daunting for all children. When both receiving and transferring children to different schools we ensure that all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood.
How can I be involved in supporting my child?
We believe that home school partnerships are important. Therefore we will support parents as much as we can to provide opportunities to continue children’s learning at home. Advice will be given at Parents Evenings and when asked for during meetings with class teachers. If your child has an ISP then advice will be discussed during these meetings and ideas noted on the plan.
Some useful ideas are:
If your child has medical needs you can arrange appointments with your GP and ask for referrals to a range of services including Paediatrics. Ensure that your child has regular eye sight tests and hearing checks. Keep the school up to date with any medical issues that may arise and that you may need support with.
In the event of a pandemic such as that of COVID-19 where there may be periods of school closures or impacts of government advised restrictions, we will ensure to continue to support families and children with SEN. This may mean some changes to usual provision or support as below:
Who can l contact for further information?
All staff at Manor Leas Infant School are available to support you and your child during their time with us. However the first point of contact would be your child’s class teacher should you need to share any concerns. You could also arrange a meeting with Miss Turner (Acting Head teacher) or Mrs Simeoli (SENCo) should you need to discuss matters further.
Lincolnshire County Council have published their own Local Offer informing parents and professionals what they will offer. This can be found at;
Support can also be found through Liaise at
Many outside agencies now exist to support families with a range of SEN issues. These can include;
The National Autistic Society -
PAACT Autism Support –
Lincolnshire ADHD Support –
Family Lives -
Who should l contact if l wish for my child to join the school?
As a school we welcome all parents and children to come and visit.
Please contact the school office on 01522 681810 or email
An appointment can be made to visit our school and discuss your child’s needs. You will be shown around the school and have time to meet with the relevant member of staff to talk about you and your child.