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Manor Leas Infant School

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Religious Education

At Manor Leas we learn to respect everyone and realise we all have similarities and differences - we are all different and that's great.


In EYFS the children learn about the world around them through their senses. They consider why some places, things, books or times are special to them and that for each of us these things will different. We also consider who we are and what makes us a good friend and how we can learn about this through stories from different faiths.


In Year One we think about ‘what people believe about God’ and ‘how faith affects the way people live their lives’. We ask these questions whilst considering two faiths – Christianity and Islam. In the final term we investigate places of worship. We enjoy visiting local places of worship where we compare features and artefacts and find out what different services take place and why.


In Year Two we consider ‘how people express their religion and beliefs’ and ‘how people mark important events in their lives’. We again ask these questions whilst considering two faiths. In the final term we consider religious and non-religious accounts of the origin of the universe and beliefs about the natural world and human interaction with it.
