At Manor Leas Infant School Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to develop as confident, healthy and independent individuals. PSHCE lessons help to promote physical and emotional wellbeing for all of our children.
Our PSHCE Intent:
To know that it is good to be me.
To know how to stay safe and healthy and build healthy relationships.
To know how to protect and enhance my mental health and well-being.
To understand and manage my own feelings.
To know how to be resilient and manage goals and challenges.
To know how to manage change effectively.
To know about people’s rights and responsibilities and know what it means to live in a diverse world.
To know that everyone is equal and show respect for people who share the protected characteristics.
To know and promote the British Values.
To know how to be active citizens in society.
To be prepared for life and work in modern Britain and in the world.
Our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) Curriculum puts our children on the path to becoming healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help our children to understand how they are developing personally and socially, which in turn will support their academic learning.
Our planning for PSHCE covers emotional health and wellbeing, financial awareness, relationships and sex education, drug education and bullying and citizenship, at a level appropriate to the children’s ages.
At Manor Leas Infant School we promote British Values and prepare children for life in modern Britain; through PSHCE and across the curriculum, children explore democracy, rights and responsibilities, respect and tolerance of those of different faiths, beliefs and opinions.
Opportunities to further children’s development in Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education are embedded throughout our curriculum including PE, Computing, RE and Science.
As a school we have chosen to follow the Jigsaw PSHE Programme, which is fully aligned with the PSHE Association's recommended programme of study, which takes into account the statutory changes that came into effect in September 2020. Each year group will focus on the same Jigsaw Puzzle at the same time, with learning and objectives differentiated for each year group, enabling the whole school to learn about a particular aspect of PSHCE together. The Jigsaw Programme is closely aligned to the EYFS curriculum. This first year of school provides the building blocks for future PSHCE Education where the foundations of PSHCE Education can be explored through play-based activities, role-play areas, quality children’s fiction and reflective discussions.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum please come and ask. We are more than happy to talk about it in more depth should you need more information.
Enrichment activities further support and complement our PSHCE curriculum. These include school visits and visitors, community events and sports, arts, drama and music clubs. ELSA sessions support individuals who need additional support to manage their emotional wellbeing.
Personal and Social skills are at the heart of our school values and are the focus of school assemblies, in particular our “Star of the Week” assembly and class behaviour and reward systems. Children are also actively involved in making decisions and discussing issues surrounding their health, friendships and wellbeing through the School Council.
PSHCE is one of the many ways in which we support the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our children.
We look forward to working together with you to provide our children with the foundations for their most important journey, the journey of life.
PSHCE has recently seen some very important changes with ‘Relationships Education’ and ‘Health Education’ becoming compulsory in Primary Schools from September 2020.
Please find below some information that you may find useful regarding these changes.