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Manor Leas Infant School

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Our Science Intent

At Manor Leas Infant School we recognise the importance of Science as part of both the taught curriculum and everyday life for our children.  This starts through Understanding the World in EYFS and continues in the Science curriculum in KS1.  In KS1 the children will be taught about the world around them when learning about 'Plants' and 'Seasonal Changes'.  They will learn about 'Animals including Humans', 'Living things and their Habitats' and they will begin to explore 'Everyday Materials' and their uses.  We aim to provide the children with a variety of opportunities and hands on experiences to develop and extend their investigative and exploration skills as well as increasing their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.


Knowledge and skills are mapped within and across each year group to ensure systematic progression and these are revisited throughout the year.  This will enable children to apply previous knowledge to new objectives, so they can know more, remember more and do more.  In EYFS the children are taught discrete skills and apply them in adult-led group activities or independent child initiated play.  In KS1 children are taught discrete lessons and are given the opportunity to apply their skills across a range of different tasks and subjects.


At Manor Leas Infants School we aim to provide a Science curriculum that:

  • Develops the natural curiosity of children whilst learning about the world around us, encouraging children to be curious and ask questions about what they notice.
  • Encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment.
  • Helps children to answer their own scientific questions through observing changes, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying.
  • Provides children with opportunities to spend time learning and exploring outdoors.
  • Introduces simple scientific language to enable children to talk about what they have found.
  • Provides opportunities to perform simple tests, gather and record data.


The impact of our Science curriculum will allow the children to have:

  • A wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge, understanding and scientific enquiry/ investigative skills.  This will support them in their next step in education.
  • A richer vocabulary which will enable children to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.
  • Confidence and love of learning for all things Science.